What's Going On Here?
That is usually the question that my brother and I got just before we were reprimanded for doing something we were not supposed to. As I write this, realizng this would be my second blog entry in the month of November would be another reason to ask this question. Seeing as how I usually only write two a year. Keep in mind that I'm more of a talker than a writer. This tends to get me into trouble. You have to be careful who you think out loud with today. Who am I kidding, you have to be careful what you say or write today, especially that which is posted on a blog or social media. The only safe place today is a private journal!
It is the year 2020. We are in the middle of a world wide pandemic. Things are tough. I am currently in vocational ministry, serving churches; both pastors and church leaders. These days are very difficult for them. It's difficult for everyone, but one of the reasons the church lays heavy on my heart today is not only because I love the church, it is the Bride of Christ, but I also work with and serve the church and its leaders on a regular basis.
Currently, the Center For Disease Control, and other health officials have pretty much said that the best way to slow the spread of this Coronavirus is by wearing a mask, keeping your distance from others and regular hand washing. For some reason, the answer to which I am really not clear on, people have taken an issue with the mask. I've heard the reasons for this from, "The virus isn't real, some I'm not listening." to "This is America, I don't have to wear a mask, it's free country." The logic of which I do not understand.
What I have really taken issue with, is that to wear a mask or not wear a mask has become so political. "You're just being politically correct if you wear a mask." Really? What's going on here? How did a world health crisis, where countries all over the world are taking similar precautions to slow the spread of a virus become about political correctness?
People are losing friends, and moving churches because of how the church is handling or not handling this issue. It's very disheartening. Pastors who have poured their heart and soul into people and families are hurting because these people are walking away mad, over a mask. People are coming or not coming to church based on what others are doing. "I'm not coming if you make me wear a mask." "I'm not coming unless you make everyone wear a mask." What is going on?
I began thinking about how we as the evangelical church approach missions in foreign countries. When we go into a foreign country, we study and learn the language and culture. We want to know how the meet the people where they are. In some areas we will dress a certain way, follow certain customs, and do what ever we can to help show the people that we love and care about them and want them to hear about Jesus. We know they will not even want to listen to the great message of the gospel if they do not see that we care about them as a person. We will even try to meet physical needs so that they will be able to both hear and experience the gospel. Sacrifices are made. We lay our personal preferences aside to show love, mercy and grace so that they may come to faith in Jesus Christ.
Why not here in America? Why do we not have that same mentality and heart in our own homeland?
What's going on here?
I hear Pauls words to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:23-24, "Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful."
So why are we arguing over a mask? Why are we allowing this to divide the church and get in the way of sharing the gospel?
What's going on here?
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