Friday, August 12, 2011

Who changes?

First of all, it is very apparent that I am not a consistent blogger. I mean look, my last blog was in March and here it is August. The issue that has brought me to the page today is a very perplexing one. I've been reading a lot about the church and how much it is changing. The local church is in a state of major decline, practically a nosedive. The answers to the problem are all over the board and most every church is trying this or that to help with the issue. As a minister it is difficult to be a part of that and still minister to the people. It's like we are ministering to two different worlds. One world is the world of believers, or our parishioners. The other world is the non-believing world. Why can't these two worlds get along? It is a constant tug of war between caring for parishioners and being with those who need Christ. Should we all not have a heart for the world? Is it just the pastors place to reach out? Is it just the parishioners place to reach out? How are we not on the same page? In relationships, when one person is closer to God many times the one that is furthest away can pull the other one down. To illustrate this have a person stand up in a chair. Have another person stand beside the chair. Ask the person in the chair to pull the person on the ground up into the chair where they are standing without the help of the person standing on the ground. It's extremely difficult. Now ask the person on ground to pull the person standing in the chair down to the ground. It's much easier to be pulled down than up.
I currently find myself in a very difficult place. The biggest question is who am I? That leads to the next question, who is the church I am currently serving? Do they match? Should I be changing to who they are, or should they be changing to who I am? That's where a lot of conflicts arises with church staff. One changes either good or bad and there is tension. Should we not both be seeking to be like Christ? If I am seeking to be like Christ, then shouldn't they follow? Maybe the church is seeking be like Christ and I am not. As a spiritual leader it is important for me to be seeking the things of God in order to lead. When does my stuff get in the way of God's stuff? God is leading the church, there is no doubt about that. Why are we not following? As leaders are we pulling people up with the help of the Holy Spirit, or are we bringing people down?

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